Crafting Timeless Beauty: What Makes an Artisan Home?

In the world of residential new construction, a select number of homes blend craftsmanship and innovation impeccably, resulting in homes that transcend the ordinary. Enter the Artisan Home Tour, a biannual showcase of the most exquisite new homes in Minnesota. But, what makes a home on the tour truly Artisan-worthy? Hear from the builders themselves!

Artisan homes are masterpieces born from the marriage of thoughtful design and impeccable execution. As Carl M. Hansen Companies puts it, “An Artisan home is not an ordinary home. It is the product of thoughtful design and execution. A home that will stand the test of time and combines art and science in a way that yields a thoughtful, beautiful result that stands out from today’s norm.”

Each Artisan home tells a unique story, a testament to the vision and dedication of the builders, designers, and suppliers. Custom One Homes emphasizes this distinction, describing an Artisan home as “built with the best products and carries out unmatched design.”

Custom One Homes | Landmark Photography

Gonyea Custom Homes echoes this sentiment, highlighting the bespoke nature of Artisan residences. “An Artisan home can range from small to big, but with details and finishes that are unique to the client in every room.” From the grandeur of the foyer to the intimacy of a reading nook, every space is infused with personal touches, reflecting the individuality of its owners.

But what truly sets Artisan homes apart is the unwavering commitment to excellence ingrained in every facet of the process. According to Hendel Homes, “An Artisan home uses the most talented tradespeople to carefully implement each and every detail. We demand the highest expectations from ourselves, which means that we also demand the highest level of quality from each subcontractor and employee.”

Gonyea Custom Homes | Landmark Photography

Building an Artisan home is a collaborative endeavor that relies on the expertise and dedication of a skilled team. “Building the right team is nearly as important as building the home itself,” adds Hendel. “It takes years of nurturing and growing the strengths of each and every person, deepening trust, creatively solving challenges, and learning from one another.”

The result of this collaborative effort is nothing short of extraordinary—a dwelling that not only meets but exceeds the loftiest of expectations